Step 1 − Management of equipments


explanation of words

  • Inventory

What do we get?

What are we doing?


Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please answer the questions below by choosing among: Whithout answer, True, Rather true, Rather false, False
  • 2 View Direct resuilt to compare

Part II: Data-filling steps

Weight True Rather true Rather false False Whithout answer
1. There is an inventory of the equipment by plant, by production line...
2. This inventory is kept up to date (modifications, suppressions, additions...)
3. For each equipment, it is known when intervention records are required
4. For each equipment, the necessary spare parts are known
5. It is possible to quickly find the interventions carried out on any equipment
6. The recorded data are analyzed at least once a year

Direct result

Scoring: True 100, Rather true: 70, Rather false: 30, False and Whithout answer: 0
Score Weight Result
Q. 1 15%
Q. 2 10%
Q. 3 10%
Q. 4 10%
Q. 5 35%
Q. 6 20%
Total score

Step 2 − First level Maintenance


explanation of words

  • Lubrication
  • Card
  • Monitoring sheet

What do we get?

What are we doing?


Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please answer the questions below by choosing among: Whithout answer, True, Rather true, Rather false, False
  • 2 View Direct resuilt to compare

Part II: Data-filling steps

Weight True Rather true Rather false False Whithout answer
1. Cards describing the greasing operations for each significant equipment are used
2. Monitoring sheets of greasing interventions are used (every week, every month...)
3. There is a mean of registering or recording all the anomalies detected during an intervention
4. Greasing interventions are programmed

Direct result

Scoring: True 100, Rather true: 70, Rather false: 30, False and Whithout answer: 0
Score Quotation Result
Q. 1 40%
Q. 2 20%
Q. 3 20%
Q. 4 20%
Total score

Step 3 − Supply and spare parts


explanation of words

  • Levels of stock

What do we get?

What are we doing?


Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please answer the questions below by choosing among: Whithout answer, True, Rather true, Rather false, False
  • 2 View Direct resuilt to compare

Part II: Data-filling steps

Quotation True Rather true Rather false False Whithout answer
1. There is a formalized procedure for Purchasing Requests (PR)
2. All the stored components & parts are codified
3. The levels of stock and their value are known to the maintenance people
4. The spare parts consumption is regularly analyzed

Direct result

Scoring: True 100, Rather true: 70, Rather false: 30, False and Whithout answer: 0
Score Quotation Result
Q. 1 20%
Q. 2 20%
Q. 3 30%
Q. 4 30%
Total score

Step 4 − Management of the interventions


explanation of words

  • Maintenance planning
  • R.I
  • I.R
  • Manufacturing constraints

What do we get?

What are we doing?


Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please answer the questions below by choosing among: Whithout answer, True, Rather true, Rather false, False
  • 2 View Direct resuilt to compare

Part II: Data-filling steps

Quotation True Rather true Rather false False Whithout answer
1. The appropriate priority is given to the calls for maintenance according to the importance of the equipment
2. The RI are properly carried out (recording, choice, selection, planning)
3. A report is established after each intervention (IR - intervention report)
4. The manufacturing constraints are taken into account in the Maintenance management

Direct result

Scoring: True 100, Rather true: 70, Rather false: 30, False and Whithout answer: 0
Score Quotation Result
Q. 1 30%
Q. 2 20%
Q. 3 20%
Q. 4 30%
Total score

Step 5 − R.M.A.S. Analysis


explanation of words

  • Maintenance effectiveness
  • R.M.A.S.

What do we get?

What are we doing?


Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please answer the questions below by choosing among: Whithout answer, True, Rather true, Rather false, False
  • 2 View Direct resuilt to compare

Part II: Data-filling steps

Quotation True Rather true Rather false False Whithout answer
1. Each intervention is registered and filed
2. The analyses are compiled in order to calculate relevant indicators / data charts / score cards
3. For the main equipments, an availability indicator is known
4. The historical data are analyzed at least once a year

Direct result

Scoring: True 100, Rather true: 70, Rather false: 30, False and Whithout answer: 0
Score Quotation Result
Q. 1 10%
Q. 2 10%
Q. 3 50%
Q. 4 30%
Total score

What's next?

1-on-1 Consultancy

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Implementation form

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Added Value

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