Step 1 − The branding story


explanation of words

  • Customer value

What do we get?

Always wanted to know how to create more value for your customers without any costly investments?

What are we doing?

We are going to increase your knowledge of brandings.


Branding is a difficult word and by reading articles about branding the word came to life.

Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please answer the multiple choice questions in section A.
  • 2 Please watch the movie of brading examples of other companies in section A.

Part II: Data-filling steps


Tip! Focus on the points besides the product aspect and how they address both the internal (organization) and external (clients) in the movie
What can you say about your company?
Movie example of branding ►

Step 2 − Brand touchpoints

  • Brand touchpoints
  • Pre-purchase
  • Purchase
  • Post-purchase

What do we get?

Where can we use the created brand story? What kind of means do we need?

What are we doing?

We are going to evaluate what kind of brand touchpoint my company is using.


This brief overview of all different kind of brand touchpoint made me realize what kind of touchpoints

Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please name for all pre-purchase touchpoint if you are using it or want to use it in section A.
  • 2 Please name for all purchase touchpoint if you are using it or want to use it in section B.
  • 3 Please name for all post-purchase touchpoint if you are using it or want to use it in section C.

Part II: Data-filling steps

Tip! Note that not all brand touchpoints need to be available in your company.
Improvement? In use?
  1. Website    
  2. Social networks (word-of-mouth)    
  3. Forms/documents (brochure)    
  4. Marketing (e-mail, calling & advertising)    
5. Package    
  6. Sales agent (proposal)    
  7. Showroom (display)    
  8. Deals/ promotion    
9. Customer service
10. Sales agent (proposal)
11. Showroom (display)
All wanted brand touchpoints are displayed here. Red needs improvement/does not exist yet and green does not need improvement.

Direct result

Step 3 − Choosing your brand values


explanation of words

  • Human characteristics

What do we get?

Always wanted to know how you can describe your current brand?

What are we doing?

We are going to describe our company by defining brand characteristics.


For example Apple: influence/leadership, since they influence lifestyles.

Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please examine the human characteristics closely and determine the meaning for you.
  • 2 Please choose 5 characteristics that are really close (a) and close (b) to you.

Part II: Data-filling steps

Tip! Please think carefully about the meaning of those human characteristics in the infographic for you company. If you are not sure about the meaning of the word, please google word and search for images.
This character is
a. Really close
b. Close

Direct result

All chosen brand characteristics within the 5 layers are displayed. Do you totally agree with this?

Step 4 − Growing your brand


explanation of words

  • Stakeholders
  • Basics
  • Ambition
  • Attraction
  • Vitality
  • Self-development

What do we get?

Already wondering what kind of implications your decisions have on your business?

What are we doing?

We are going to select your final 5 most important brand characteristics.


I challenged myself to incorporate instead of two, three brandelements

Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please choose 5 characteristics that represent at least 5 brand elements in section A.
  • 2 Please name at least two synonymes of the meaning of the chosen characteristics.
  • 3 Please name some colors related to that specific characteristics. This will help you have a better idea of commercialization of your brand and products later (in terms of wording and designing).
  • 4 What kind of companies reminds you of this characteristics?

Part II: Data-filling steps

Tip! Be aware of the matching colors with the brand elements. Please try to incorporate at least 3 brand elements in your top 5 of brand (human) characteristics.
1 2 3 4 5
1. Top 5 Brand characteristic

2. Synonyms
3. Color
4. Other products
All brand characteristics displayed with their unique defining features.

Direct result


Step 5 − Brand promise

  • Brand story
  • Brand promise

What do we get?

What can I only do with words? In what way is this beneficial? This step forms a story around the )

What are we doing?

We are going to connect the brand promise to one specific brand touchpoint.


The brand story of Marou, a Vietnamese chocolat factory tells:

Part I: Instructions

Please read the instruction below carefully before filling the data
  • 1 Please choose one of the touchpoint to focus on for each phase in section A.
  • 2 Please choose in what kind of form you would like to spread the message in section A.
  • 3 Please briefly describe what you would like to improve or optimize of touchpoint (B).
  • 4 Please determine in what time range you would like to execute the improvement (B).
  • 5 Please choose one of the intended responses of customers in section C.
  • 6 Please choose on of the actions taken by consumer after experiencing the touchpoint (C).

Part II: Data-filling steps

Post-purchase Purchase Pre-purchase
A. What?
1. Which brand touch point to develop/improve?
2. In what form?
B. How?
3. What do you want to do?
4. When?
C. Response?
5. Customer must:
6. And should take action to:

Direct result

The brand compass can guide you to develop a basic brand. It supports you in improving the most important touchpoints and to integrate your brand values.
Pre-purchase Touchpoint
Purchase Touchpoint
Pos-purchase Touchpoint

Reaction of customer

Customer must ... and should take action to ...
Customer must ... and should take action to ...
Customer must ... and should take action to ...

What's next?

1-on-1 Consultancy

Consult a consultant by checking expert list in e-channel and discuss outcomes.


Check out suggested literature or toolkit for more in-depth information about tools & methods.

Implementation form

Use consultancy implementation form to take outcomes to the next level.


Discuss outcomes with peers and stakeholders of your organization.

Added Value

Think about the added value of implementing the outcomes for corporate image or sales.
